100 Bullets - Wilt: Done! A fiery end to the epic series. @brianazzarello gets all the credit but artist Eduardo Risso deserves most of it.
The often humorous adventures of a roguish anti-hero of low social degree living by his wits in a corrupt society
31 December 2011
War Horse
War Horse: Nobody does it better. Seriously, nobody in the entire history of humankind does this sort of thing better than Steven Spielberg!
30 December 2011
100 Bullets - Dirty
100 Bullets - Dirty: My other favourite character gets killed. Oh well, at least I'm this close to finishing the series. @vertigo_comics
Fela!: The most fun musical, ever! When people talk about a tour-de-force performance they need to see Sahr Ngaujah in action! Wow!
29 December 2011
100 Bullets - Once Upon a Crime
100 Bullets - Once Upon a Crime: Sad, my favourite Minuteman bites the bullet, literally. @vertigo_comics
The Help
The Help: Stellar work by Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Allison Janney & Jessica Chastain. Too bad it was wasted in this paternalistic tripe
28 December 2011
Australia Thrashes India In Test 1
Somebody forgot to tell #Ponting & #Australia that they're supposed to be over. How else to explain that huge victory over #India?! #AusvInd
Main Street
Main Street: Modest, gentle film with a huge cast. The kind of movie that John Sayles would have directed the h*ll out of in his prime.
Nina Simone - My Baby Just Cares For Me
Two of TBH's favourite things: Nina Simone and cats! Awesome video for "My Baby Just Cares For Me"! http://t.co/NucY2BEP
Young Adult
Young Adult: Entertaining, but the bloom has come off the Cody/Reitman rose. Theron was good, but Patton Oswalt totally steals the show!
27 December 2011
The Closer
The Closer: With apologies to every other show, this has the best ensemble on TV. Wish they could find a spot for good ol' Fred Willard! ;-)
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo: Fincher at his near-best! Mara is very good, not quite as great as Rapace. Surprisingly Craig is fantastic!
25 December 2011
24 December 2011
Richard Karn Celebrity Sighting
4th-Greatest Celebrity Sighting, Ever!: Richard Karn from Home Improvement. I resisted the urge to ask him to fix my heater! ;-)
Steelers Thump The Rams
Great win for the #Steelers against the hapless #Rams. If @tpolamalu keeps this up, a very deep playoff run is very possible! :-) #NFL #AFC
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Film)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: Gary Oldman, like the film, is very good. Just not quite as great as Alec Guinness and the 1979 miniseries.
23 December 2011
Larry Merchant Celebrity Sighting
2nd-Greatest Celebrity Sighting, Ever!: Larry Merchant at the Landmark! I resisted the urge to ask him about Floyd Mayweather! ;-)
American Horror Story
American Horror Story: Gave up on it. Why? It was keeping me up at night! Why? Because it was scary & gross. My heart couldn't take it!
Catching Hell
Catching Hell: Bloody h*ll! The best #30For30 & one of the best movies of the year! Another great film by @BaLueBolivar (Alex Gibney). @ESPN
22 December 2011
Matt Barkley Staying at USC
Yay! @MattBarkley is staying at #USC. Im back on the #Trojans bandwagon! Hopefully MB will show the insufferable Mark Sanchez how it's done!
The Dark Knight Rises IMAX Prologue
The Dark Knight Rises IMAX Prologue: Dude! No, seriously. DUDE! Truly larger than life! Can't bloody wait for 20 July 2012! #TDK #TDKR
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
21 December 2011
Heather Booted Off Top Chef
Yes! Heather ("Queen of Mean") got booted off #TopChef. Karma is quite the female dog ain't it?! @BravoTopChef @heatherterhune
Great Jay Williams Interview
Wow! Introspective & heartfelt interview with @RealJayWilliams on @DLHQ today. Not often you get this with athletes. http://t.co/XOT4nTss
The Hunter
The Hunter: A lean mean literary machine. Great work by Stark/Westlake. It's sad that I read the Darwyn Cooke comic before the actual book!
Bored To Death
Bored To Death: Quirky, offbeat, a little twee perhaps, but I loved it. They added Hodgman & Hammer's (Mike & Sledge) but alas to no avail.
20 December 2011
Hung: Low-key fun while it lasted. The Jane's (Adams & Thomas) were great. I guess even fictional Detroit can't catch a break these days.
You Know You're Too Old When Peja Stojakovic Retires
You Know You're Too Old When: #Peja #Stojakovic retires from the #NBA! #TooOld #2Old
Bane and Baron Underbheit
Is it just me, or does #Bane sound exactly like Baron #Underbheit?! #TDK #TDKR #VentureBros @VentureBrosBlog http://t.co/6sdTS3jz
19 December 2011
Steelers Lose To Niners
Gotta be honest, that was a brutal bloody loss for the #Steelers. #BigBen has engineered way too many wins to pin the loss on him. #NFL #AFC
The Dark Knight Rises Trailer
Aw-bloody-some! The Dark Knight Rises trailer starring @mvp86hinesward! Cant wait for 20 Jul 2012! @steelers #TDK #TDKR http://t.co/KlRw5fa1
The Muppets
The Muppets: Thoroughly enjoyable. But a meta Muppet movie (MMM?) is not quite the same as a "real" Muppet movie. Still loved it though!
18 December 2011
Homeland: Ridiculous but entertaining (so I guess that makes it ridiculously entertaining)! They should just give Claire Danes the Emmy now!
George Vecsey Final NY Times Column
Sad when grand old newspapermen say goodbye. George #Vecsey will be missed immensely. @nytimes @nytimessports http://t.co/DeitXQsw
RIP Cesaria Evora
RIP Cesaria Evora. Her hauntingly beautiful voice will be missed. Perfect for a winter's evening in front of the fire. http://t.co/lQv6gHQY
17 December 2011
Fracture: Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling - a match made in once-great/now-sold-out acting heaven! Mildly entertaining stuff.
Heather on Top Chef
Dude, Heather on #TopChef is quite possibly the meanest reality tv contestant, ever! @BravoTopChef @heatherterhune
16 December 2011
The Expendables 2 Teaser Trailer
HMOG! They added #VanDamme and @chucknorris! The Expendables 2! 17 Aug 2012 Can't wait! http://t.co/fzNBxxQg
100 Bullets - Decayed
100 Bullets - Decayed: Finally, the main story is gathering steam. This is one long, sorry epic, comic book, sorry graphic novel, series!
RIP Christopher Hitchens
RIP Christopher Hitchens. Whether you agreed with him or not, you had to appreciate his ferocious intelligence and wit.
15 December 2011
Rahul Dravid Bradman Oration
Rahul #Dravid is a great sportsman & an even better ambassador for #Cricket. Read his classy #Bradman Oration. #TheWall http://t.co/jwcjNSFN
Stephen Merchant NY Times Profile
The great #StephenMerchant (the power behind @rickygervais) finally gets some long-overdue media love! @smhelloladies http://t.co/KIcr1Ext
The Notebook
The Notebook: Yes, I was the only person on Earth who hadn't seen it. Yes, Gosling & McAdams ruled. Yes, Garner & Rowlands stole the film!
14 December 2011
Bridesmaids: Pretty funny, but nowhere close to the critical acclaim it received. Melissa McCarthy, though, deserved her acclaim! Wow!
13 December 2011
Andy Bull on Roy Fredericks
Another brilliant piece of writing by @AndyBullatGNM "Roy Fredericks aka Kid Cement" #WestIndies #Cricket http://t.co/hqXgNFZ0
Trent Reznor & Karen O - The Immigrant Song
Weird, creepy, awesome video by the great David #Fincher for @trent_reznor & #KarenO's cover of "The Immigrant Song" http://t.co/GK4LX8YB
Talking to James Harrison
@jaydimes Umm...have you seen James #Harrison?! I ain't telling him nothing! Maybe #Troy can talk to him for me. :-)
James Harrison Suspended
Totally unfair about @jharrison9292 suspension. Tough game against @49ers becomes harder! TBH still believes in her beloved @steelers though
12 December 2011
Luck: Terrifically exciting! Expertly crafted by the genius that is Michael Mann. Can't wait for the actual show! Loved the Plaschke cameo!
Boardwalk Empire
Boardwalk Empire: Messy but entertaining S2 capped by those gut-wrenching final 2 episodes. Not sure I can bring myself to watch S3.
11 December 2011
TBH Right Again About Giants-Cowboys
Noooooo! TBH told me not to switch from the #Giants-#Cowboys game for #BoardwalkEmpire! I didn't listen. Talk about a double-whammy! Oh man!
100 Bullets - Decayed
100 Bullets - Decayed: Now we're cooking! The story is really gathering steam. This is the most reading I've done in a while!
Awaara: A true gem from the Golden Era of Bollywood. Thanks to @LACMA, we got to see Raj Kapoor & Nargis light up the big screen once more.
10 December 2011
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Mini-Series)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: Tad bit dated but still some of the best TV, ever! Great performances highlighted by the legendary Alec Guinness!
09 December 2011
Missed Bradley Cooper on Inside the Actor's Studio
@jaydimes Missed him. Was he funny? TBH and I are both fans.
Limitless: Ha! Very entertaining and totally far-fetched. Good directing by Neil Burger. Nice star turn by Bradley Cooper. Good stuff.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (The Book)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: Granted I should have read it long ago, but man was it great. John le Carre's old-fashioned spy world is awesome!
08 December 2011
Roethlisberger Toughs Out Win Against Browns
Say what you will about #BigBen #Roethlisberger (& I've said plenty), you can't deny that he's one tough so-and-so! Here we go #Steelers!
Virender Sehwag ODI Record
OMBG! @virendersehwag obliterated the ODI record with a 149-ball 219! #Viru even made the @ESPN homepage! #IndvWI
07 December 2011
RIP Harry Morgan
RIP Harry Morgan. One of my all-time favourite character actors. He will be missed.
My Week with Marilyn
My Week with Marilyn: Entertaining little cutesy trifle. Michelle Williams & Eddie Redmayne are great but Kenneth Branagh steals the show!
06 December 2011
Unguarded: Powerful, frightening look at just how destructive addiction can be. Another solid @ESPN #30For30 documentary.
Page Eight
Page Eight: Aw-bloody-some! The great Michael Gambon, Ralph Fiennes, Judy Davis & greatest of all, Bill Nighy, in top form!
05 December 2011
Matt Barkley Not Heisman Finalist
Matt #Barkley was robbed of being a #Heisman finalist. Oh well, let's hope Andrew #Luck wins one for the #Pac12. #USC
Let Calcutta Surprise You
Hugo: Marty bloody Scorsese! They ask him to make a simple kid's movie and he goes and makes what may be the best film of the year! Amazing!
04 December 2011
RIP Dev Anand
RIP Dev Anand. One of the last remaining icons from the golden age of Bollywood. There will never be another quite like him.
03 December 2011
The Artist
The Artist: Cute, perhaps even a little twee. But you know what, it totally worked! Jean Dujardin was amazing! And that dog, so cute! Aww...
02 December 2011
Address Is Approximate
Aw man, what a beautiful little film! Stop-motion animation for our digital age. Address Is Approximate by @thetheoryUK http://t.co/n85O6ZwG
01 December 2011
Hot in Cleveland
Hot in Cleveland: Betty White & Don Rickles are a match made in comedy heaven. What took so long? Also, too bad the show's not about them.
30 November 2011
Unbroken: The writing itself is a bit prosaic, but the incredible true story completely makes up for it. Louis Zamperini truly is a hero.
Indo-Pak Express Disbands
Sad. Looks like the Peace Train comes to a stop. The #IndoPakExpress breaks up. Best of luck to @rohanbopanna & Aisam-ul-Haq. #ATP
Yoga Girl
Great video from the guys behind #WholeFoodsParkingLot! We met them & they were super-nice. #YogaGirl by @FogandSmog http://t.co/WsRvuktC
28 November 2011
RIP Ken Russell
RIP Ken Russell. A truly flamboyant iconoclast, we're not going to see another director like him anytime soon. His films still freak me out!
27 November 2011
Steelers Squeak By The Chiefs
Any #Steelers win at this stage of the season is a good win, right? Right?! Suddenly, I'm nervous about the #Bengals. Uh-oh... #AFC #NFL
The Immortals
The Immortals: Better than expected. Incredible eye-popping visuals thanks to director Tarsem. Plus, Superman kicked some major 3-D a**!
Federer Wins Record 6th ATP World Tour Finals
Incredible! Roger #Federer (#GOAT) holds off the always fun #Tsonga for a record 6th #ATP World Tour Finals! Hope for 2012 is still alive!
26 November 2011
USC Thrashes UCLA
#USC: 50. #UCLA: 0. Guess who's going to the #PAC12 championship game?! In any case, I'm back on the #Barkley/#Trojan bandwagon! ;-)
India West Indies Test Match Draw
Wow! #India and #WestIndies fight to a level-score Test match draw (2nd time in history). Test Cricket has been on a real upswing! #IndvWI
24 November 2011
Thankful For The "Four Fs Of Thanksgiving
I'm thankful for the "Four Fs Of Thanksgiving": Food, Football, Film, and Family! #4F
Thankful For Roger Federer
I'm thankful for #Federer (#GOAT) being 3-0 (so far) at the #ATP World Tour Finals. Let's get one more title before the year's over #Roger!
Toad On Twitter
@ikaranmehta Ha! Welcome Toad, I'm sure Twitter will never be the same! Happy Toadsgiving!
Thankful For Rahul Dravid
I'm thankful for Rahul #Dravid getting to 13000 Test runs. #TheWall continues to showcase all that is best about #India & Cricket! #IndvWI
The Descendants
The Descendants: Flawed, but ultimately touching, sweetly melancholic little film. Alexander Payne really is a superb director.
23 November 2011
Finished State Quarters Collection
Done! Finished collecting all the State Quarters! Um, so now what do I do with the rest of my life?
Matt Kemp Loses MVP
I like Ryan #Braun (what's not to like), but @TheRealMattKemp deserved the #NL #MVP :-( Next year! #Dodgers
22 November 2011
How To Make It In America
How To Make It In America: Pleasantly engaging with a nice little "twist" ending to the season. I'll be back for S3. @HBO @bryangreenberg
21 November 2011
South Africa Lose to Australia (Again)
Sadly, #SouthAfrica again failed to put away the worryingly still-good #Australia. Still, this is Test Cricket at its very finest! #SAvAus
20 November 2011
Charismatic: Mediocre filmmaking is upstaged by a gripping, sad story. This is exactly why docs are so d*mn affecting! #30For30 @espn
LA Galaxy Win the MLS Cup
Ha! Guess I won't be the only one in LA with a #Beckham jersey anymore! ;-) Congrats to @LAGalaxy on winning the #MLSCup! #MLS #Becks
Charismatic (ESPN 30 For 30)
Charismatic: Mediocre filmmaking is upstaged by a gripping, sad story. This is exactly why docs are so d*mn affecting! #30For30 @espn
19 November 2011
USC Upsets Oregon
Wow! What an incredible win for #USC! What a game! Feel somewhat bad for #Oregon though, esp since this helps out #NickSatan. #PAC12 > #SEC
Batman: The Brave and the Bold Canceled
Batman - The Brave and the Bold: Sad to see it cancelled, especially after the great last espisode "Mitefall!" Sigh :-( @cartoonnetwork
18 November 2011
Con Air
The Mechanic: Awesome Statham awesomeness! Plus Ben Foster is always good. And Simon West, the same SW from Con Air! Glad he's still around!
Girl in a Coma - Smart
Latina Punk Rock from San Antonio. Can't stop listening to the fantastic song "Smart" by Girl in a Coma! @Girlinacoma http://t.co/qoAcCpJ0
17 November 2011
Clayton Kershaw Wins NL CY Young
See @Dodgers fans, it truly is darkest before the dawn! Congrats #Kershaw on winning the #NL #CyYoung! @TheRealMattKemp is hopefully next!
Saul Bass Title Design
Beautiful little video of Saul Bass title sequences by @ArtoftheTitle http://t.co/yLZhCzWt
16 November 2011
Ricky Gervais Hosting the Golden Globes
HMOG! It's fasten-your-seatbelt time again! Rick Bloody Gervais is going to host the Golden Globes, again! @rickygervais @goldenglobes
REM - We All Go Back To Where We Belong
Aw man, why did #REM have to break up?! Check out the lovely new "We All Go Back To Where We Belong" @remhq http://t.co/yYuxVfEa
15 November 2011
100 Bullets - Decayed
100 Bullets - Decayed: Now we're cooking! The over-arching story is (finally) gathering some awesome steam! @DCComics @brianazzarello
Spike Jonze - Mourir Aupres de Toi
Aw man, Spike Jonze does it again! Check out his awesome new short "Mourir Aupres de Toi" http://t.co/1Xrx8iUn
14 November 2011
Rahul Dravid Century Against the West Indies
When they said his career was over, "they" apparently forgot to tell the great Rahul #Dravid! #TheWall scores another century! #IndvWI
Martin Solveig & Dragonette -Hello
Absurdly Catchy Song + @DjokerNole Cameo + @Gael_Monfils Cameo = Best Music Video, Ever! "Hello" by @msolveig http://t.co/VQWvK2l8
13 November 2011
100 Bullets - Strychnine Lives
100 Bullets - Strychnine Lives: Ever-so slightly misogynistic, and a bit of a let-down compared to the series so far. @brianazzarello
Steelers Beat Bengals
Phew! The #Steelers escape with a win against the surprising game #Bengals. The dream stays alive! ;-) #NFL #AFC
Roger Federer Wins Paris Masters
Congrats #Federer (#GOAT) on winning @bnpmasters & completing the #Masters sweep! Those tears mean he knows the end is nigh. Sigh... #ATP
RIP Peter Roebuck
RIP Peter Roebuck. A sad end for an all-time great cricket writer. The worlds of sports and journalism will find it hard to fill the void.
12 November 2011
Isner Loses to Tsonga
Hard luck @JohnIsner who dropped a heartbreaker in an entertaining match to @tsonga7 (aren't they all?). Let's go #Roger! #ATP
11 November 2011
J. Edgar
J. Edgar: Solid, old-fashioned Eastwood filmmaking. Leonardo DiCaprio totally deserves an #Oscar. Armie Hammer & Judi Dench were awesome!
100 Bullets - The Hard Way
100 Bullets - The Hard Way: Manohmanohmanohman! Like a cold, hard punch to the proverbial gut! Wow! #100Bullets @brianazzarello
I Believe I Can Fly
It's true, the Frenchies do everything better, even extreme sports documentaries! "I Believe I Can Fly" by @sebmontaz http://t.co/qy0kPgQ0
10 November 2011
Craziest Test Day, Ever!
Craziest Test Match Day, Ever! #SouthAfrica all out for 96, then #Australia all out for 47! Who said #TestCricket was boring?! #SAvAus
The Kitten Covers
OMBG! This literally is the cutest thing, ever! Album covers with kittens! Kittens!! #KittenCovers http://t.co/2VO3Mf63
09 November 2011
100 Bullets - Samurai
100 Bullets - Samurai: Man, this is a pretty long and exhausting comic book, sorry graphic novel, series! I'm not even halfway through!
India Beats West Indies in First Test
Nice win for #India against an admittedly weak #WestIndies. Let's enjoy #Sehwag, #Tendulkar, #Dravid, #VVS while we still can! #IndvWI
08 November 2011
100 Bullets - Six Feet Under the Gun
100 Bullets - Six Feet Under the Gun: It's getting serious now! Anything that gets me to read, even a comic book, is a good thing! @DCComics
07 November 2011
Joe Frazier
RIP Smokin' Joe Frazier. One of the greatest athletes of our time. Hopefully in death he'll get the due he never got while alive. Sad.
100 Bullets - The Counterfifth Detective
100 Bullets - The Counterfifth Detective: Another solid entry in this awesome comic book, sorry, graphic novel, series. @DCComics
06 November 2011
Crushing Loss For the Steelers
Crushing loss for the #Steelers against the #Ravens & the officials ;-) Oh well, let's hope they beat the #Bengals into submission. #NFL
Thrilling Zimbabwe New Zealand Test
Not that anyone noticed, but #Zimbabwe & #NewZealand fought to the bitter end in a thrilling Test match. #MinnowsRule! #ZimvNZ
The Weight of Water
The Weight of Water: An odd entry in the Kathryn Bigelow oeuvre. Stylish & unsettling. Sarah Polley (as always) was excellent.
Federer Wins Basel
Congrats #Federer (#GOAT) on winning Basel. Those tears at the end made me sad...could this really be the beginning of the end? Sniff...#ATP
05 November 2011
LSU Beats Alabama
It wasn't pretty, but it's always nice to see the #MadHatter beat #NickSatan! Geaux #Tigers! #LSU #Alabama #SEC
The Ides Of March
The Ides Of March: Dude, Clooney really is a h*lluva director! Fantastic performances by Gosling, Hoffman, Wood & the great Giamatti.
Kemp For MVP
Matt #Kemp 2011: .324 BA (3rd), 39 HR (1st), 126 RBI (1st), .986 OPS (2nd), 40 SB (2nd). C'mon #MLB, give him the #NL #MVP already! #Dodgers
04 November 2011
New Girl
New Girl: Sure @ZooeyDeschanel is perfectly adorkable but that kid @iamgreenfield totally steals the show! #SchmidtHappens! @FOXBroadcasting
03 November 2011
Kershaw for Cy Young
#Clayton #Kershaw 2011 Stats: 21 Wins (1st), 2.28 ERA (1st), 248 Ks (1st). C'mon #MLB, give him the #NL #CyYoung already! #Dodgers
Rostam - Don't Let It Get To You
Another discovery by TBH. The awesome "Don't Let It Get To You" by the awesome Rostam http://t.co/EGTAMyJ2 @matsoR @vampireweekend
02 November 2011
Great Day for Dodger Fans
What a great day for fans of the #Dodgers! #Kershaw, #Kemp & #Ethier win #GoldGloves! #McCourt agrees to sell (fina-bloody-lly)! Yay!
01 November 2011
Anya Wins Project Runway
For once TBH and I agree: We're both glad @AnyadeRogue won @ProjectRunway! Congrats young lady! #PR9Anya
30 October 2011
Steelers Beat Patriots
Steelers 25 - Patriots 17: Best Bloody Game, Ever! Heinz Field is the absolute best place to watch a #football game! Here we go #Steelers!
28 October 2011
Cardinals Win World Series
Grudging congratulations to the #Cardinals for their incredible come-from-behind #WorldSeries win. Who says #baseball is boring?! #MLB
25 October 2011
President Obama Helicopter Sighting
2nd-Greatest "Celebrity" Sighting, Ever!: President Barack Obama's helicopter flying over the Jefferson Memorial! Wicked cool!
Paul Ryan Sighting
10th-Greatest Celeb Sighting, Ever!: Representative Paul Ryan heading to the Capitol Hill Club for an expensive tax-payer funded power lunch
Dick Durbin Sighting
2nd-Greatest Celebrity Sighting, Ever!: Senator Dick Durbin outside the Cannon House Office Building in Washington, DC (duh).
22 October 2011
USC Beats Notre Dame
Good win for #USC against hapless #NotreDame. Time to jump back on the bandwagon? ;-) #PAC12
20 October 2011
India Wins ODI Series Against England
Incredible come-from-behind victory for #India to take the ODI series from #England! #Dhoni is the man...on home soil ;-) #IndvEng
Kenny Mayne Plays Cricket
My two favourite things: The Great @Kenny_Mayne and #Cricket! Awe-bloody-some! @espn http://t.co/ucFsjTmk
19 October 2011
World Series Begin
Gag! The stultifying #Cardinals vs the #NolanRyan-come-lately #Rangers. Just who am I supposed to root for in the #WorldSeries? #MLB #Boring
18 October 2011
Contempt: Gorgeous cinematography by the great Raoul Coutard. We know Jean-Luc Godard is a G*d but Brigitte Bardot a good actress, who knew?
17 October 2011
India Thrashes England Again
Talk about home cooking! Another ODI, another crushing win for #India! Nice work by the bowlers for a change! #IndvEng
Andy Murray Now No. 3
Sad, a major changing of the guard. @andy_murray is the new world No 3, moving #Roger #Federer (aka #GOAT) down to No 4. Sigh...
Oscar Prediction (Documentary Short)
#Oscars 2012: Prediction for Best Documentary Short - the one about Tahrir Square! @TheAcademy
16 October 2011
15 October 2011
Liverpool Ties Manchester United
Oh man! @LFC came this close to upsetting @ManU_FC...sad! Still, it's fantastic to see the great @_StevenGerrard still going strong!
14 October 2011
India Destroys England
Nice! #India destroys #England in the first ODI. So what if it's at home and on the heels of that embarrassing tour? ;-) #IndvEng
13 October 2011
Paul: You can never go wrong with Nick Frost & @simonpegg. Also, I'm slowly beginning to come around on skinny Seth Rogen.
12 October 2011
Real Steel
Real Steel: A good old-fashioned crowd-pleaser. If by old-fashioned you mean Robots, Wolverine, Kate, the Blob & JT Sanborn! Awesome!
Jaws Peanuts Mash-Up
Greatest Exercise In 80s Childhood Nostalgia, Ever! "Jaws" in the style of "Peanuts" by @CharlesForsman http://t.co/BxVZiWPY
Theo Epstein Joins the Cubs
Goodbye #RedSox, hello #WorldSeries! Greatest #Cubs Move, Ever! @RealMikeWilbon #Theo #MLB
11 October 2011
100 Bullets - A Foregone Tomorrow
100 Bullets - A Foregone Tomorrow: Not as good as Hang up on the Hang Low but now we're really getting into it. Cool. @brianazzarello
Two and a Half Men
Two and a Half Men: Still wonderfully mediocre but that never stopped me before! Plus, any show that brings back #JudyGreer is awesome! @CBS
Sparkadia - "China"
Thanks to @FILTERmagazine's #CultureCollide I discovered the best song, ever! "China" by @sparkadia Brilliant! http://t.co/hfi4SWLy
10 October 2011
Hawaii Five-0
Hawaii Five-0: #Locke, #Jin, #ScottLavin, #Hiro, #MarkDacascos, #JohnAllen, #WilliamVanDerWoodsen! With so many stars, I'm back in! #H50
Wee-Man Celebrity Sighting
3rd-Greatest Celebrity Sighting, Ever!: Wee-Man at the grocery store. I resisted the urge to dare him to lock himself into the freezer. ;-)
RCB Lose to MI (CLT20)
The #RCB magic wore off and the "team of destiny" lost to #MI in the @clt20 finals. Still, the tournament ended up with some great matches.
09 October 2011
Gang Gang Dance (Culture Collide)
Gang Gang Dance: Woah! Trippy, ever-so slightly hallucinatory, Middle Eastern-influenced prog-ish rock. #CultureCollide
CSS (Culture Collide)
CSS: If MGMT were a girl, and Brazilian and wore a bejeweled Batman mask, and kicked a** then they would be CSS! Aw yeah! #CultureCollide
Datarock (Culture Collide)
Datarock: Once computers in Norway revolt and learn how to dance they'll owe a massive debt of gratitude to these guys! #CultureCollide
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (Culture Collide)
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: If Hipsters went clubbing and danced they'd totally listen to #CYHSY. #CultureCollide
Indigo Tree (Culture Collide)
basu! (@pratikbasu) has shared a Tweet with you:
"PratikBasu: Indigo Tree (Taix): Naturally, Sturm-und-Drang-shoegaze would originate from a Polish band! ;-) #CultureCollide
Rainbow Arabia (Culture Collide)
Rainbow Arabia: A latter-day electronica/shoegaze hybrid version of Siouxsie and the Banshees via...wait for it...Echo Park. #CultureCollide
Holger (Culture Collide)
Holger (Taix): Best Show, Ever! Vampire Weekend-esque global-Afro-soul with insane Brazilian flavour! Awesome! #CultureCollide
The Analog Girl (Culture Collide)
The Analog Girl (Taix): Very cool electronica-as-performance-art all the way from Singapore(!). #CultureCollide
Steelers Beat Titans
Great morale-boosting win for the #Steelers! Imagine how many TDs #BigBen could've gotten if he wasn't hurt! ;-) #NFL #AFC
Andy Murray Wins Singles and Doubles
Talk about a double-double! @andy_murray comes from a set down to maul @RafaelNadal. Then teams with his bro to win doubles! #NoSlams #ATP
Sparkadia (Culture Collide)
Sparkadia (Taix): Best Band, Ever! The catchiest, most hook-laden music this side of Australia! Plus, they were super nice! #CultureCollide
08 October 2011
Cameras (Culture Collide)
@FILTERmiller "Capacity" is that code for "No non-VIPs"? ;-) No worries...Cameras rocked the capacity house! :-)
Uh-Oh Culture Collide D-Bag Attitude
@FILTERmiller So, the wife & I are total #CultureCollide supporters from Day 1. So what's with the attitude from the staff outside Taix?
You Say France & I Whistle (Culture Collide) Part Deux
You Say France & I Whistle (826LA): So d*mn good we had to see them twice! #CultureCollide
The Yellow Dogs (Culture Collide)
The Yellow Dogs (Echoplex): Dude! These kids came all the way from Iran! Wow! #CultureCollide
Matthew and the Arrogant Sea (Culture Collide)
Matthew and the Arrogant Sea (Methodist Church): Okkervil River-type literary rock meets Explosions in the Sky-type guitars. #CultureCollide
Please the Trees (Culture Collide)
Please the Trees (Taix): Epic, moody, introspective guitar-rock all the way from Czech Republic. I think my mind was blown! #CultureCollide
The Lanskies (Culture Collide)
The Lanskies (Taix): Aww, England & France hooked up & had a Bloc Party-like post-punk angular-guitar indie-dance-rock baby! #CultureCollide
You Say France & I Whistle (Culture Collide)
You Say France & I Whistle (Taix): Trust the Swedes to churn out another insanely catchy band! I dare you to not be happy! #CultureCollide
Incan Abraham (Culture Collide)
Incan Abraham (The Echo): Right up my alley! Soaring Melodies + Lotsa Reverb + Hint Of Synth + Catchy Vocals = Awesome! #CultureCollide
Ginga (Culture Collide)
Ginga (Origami Vinyl): Catchy Broken Social Scene-like indie-pop-rock-collective via Austria(!). Nice. #CultureCollide
My bubba & Mi (Culture Collide)
My bubba & Mi (The Echo): Seriously soothing Lenka-ish Danish singer-songwriter alt-pop-country. #CultureCollide
Al Davis
RIP Al Davis. The very definition of a rebel and an iconoclast. He will be missed. Trust me, there's not going to be anyone like him again.
07 October 2011
Cardinals Beat Phillies
Man! I told you we needed to be scared of the #Cardinals! The #Phillies lose! Bad year for any #Philadelphia #DreamTeam. #MLB #Playoffs
Nyjer Morgan Wins Game For Brewers
What was I saying about being a #Nyjer Morgan fan?! @TheRealTPlush delivers the game-winning hit for the #Brewers! Aaaaaaaaah #MLB #Playoffs
Dinara Safina Retires
Sad. #Dinara #Safina retires at the #Borg-esque age of 25. Just as tempestuous & entertaining as her older brother #Marat. #WTA #Tennis
Nyjer Morgan on DLHQ
I am rapidly becoming a #Nyjer Morgan & by extension a #Brewers fan! #MLB #AntonioPicante @DLHQ http://t.co/C3GpagVb http://t.co/afivixdu
RIP Charles Napier
06 October 2011
KKR v RCB (CLT20 2011)
@Afridi102 Sigh, a #KKR victory maybe too much to hope for. Maybe #RCB will oblige with a letdown after that last-ball six! ;-) #CLT20
Yankees Lose in ALDS
Oh man! The #Yankees lose! And, sadly, #ARod strikes out to end it all. Sigh... #TheresAlwaysNextYear #ALDS #MLB Playoffs
Steve Jobs Commencement Speech
"You've got to find what you love. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle." #SteveJobs #Commencement #Speech http://t.co/m7DgdKSJ
05 October 2011
Nirvana - Live At The Paramount (Culture Collide)
Nirvana - Live At The Paramount: A great concert film that captures them in all their glory. Great start to #CultureCollide! @FILTERmiller
The Simpsons
The Simpsons: Back & almost better than ever. Also, the great John Kricfalusi does the couch gag. @FOXBroadcasting http://t.co/RRBIVBgr
RCB Last Ball Six (CLT20 2011)
04 October 2011
Moneyball: It's a little too, wait for it, "inside baseball" but I appreciate Bennett Miller's effort to make an unconventional sports film.
The Shame of College Sports
The Shame of College Sports. Fantastic, eye-opening article on #NCAA & college sports by @taylorbranch via @TheAtlantic http://t.co/oawHOKqM
2 Broke Girls
2 Broke Girls: @OfficialKat is funny and smart. The show, unfortunately, is not much of either. @CBS
03 October 2011
Don DeLillo on Grantland
Another fantastic entry in @Grantland33's #DirectorsCut series: the great Don DeLillo! http://t.co/Cpi2TtI4
Lilyhammer on Netflix
#Lilyhammer is coming to @netflix. Awesome! See? I told you not to give up on good ol' $NFLX! @StevieVanZandt
Andy Rooney - "My Lucky Life"
Aw man, I'm gonna miss #AndyRooney. I guess retirement comes for us all. Sniff... @60Minutes http://t.co/xv9ovT0r
02 October 2011
Never Let Me Go
Never Let Me Go: Very stylishly directed by the great Mark Romanek. He really needs to make more feature films!
Steelers Lose to Texans
Sad loss for the #Steelers. They tried to fight back but suffered a dispiriting loss. Sigh... :-( #NFL
30 September 2011
Archer: I'm onto your little plan to do an #ArrestedDevelopment reunion without telling anyone! Well played sir, well played! @archerprod
29 September 2011
Anthony Ryan Booted From Project Runway
I have to agree with TBH. Booting #PR9anthonyryan from #ProjectRunway blows. They only kept the insufferable Joshua because of his drama.
MLB Playoffs
Trust me, the #Yankees are ecstatic the #RedSox didn't make the #MLB #Playoffs. The #Brewers are terrified that the #Cardinals did!
28 September 2011
Brian Kenny Left ESPN?!
Brian Kenny left @ESPN?! Why wasn't I informed when my favourite @SportsCenter anchor left the mothership? Why?!
Bloc Party without Kele
Aw man! @thisisblocparty just isn't #BlocParty without @keleokereke #DontBreakUp! :-(
23 September 2011
Killer Elite
Killer Elite: The greatest movie ever made in the history of mankind! #Owen, #Statham, #DeNiro, #Purcell all kicked some major a**! Awesome!
Indo-Pak Express
Nice little article about @indopakexpress who lost in heartbreaking fashion at #USO11 #ATP #USOpen @rohanbopanna http://t.co/cg5Pg0Yg
Killer Elite Day!
What day is it? Why, it's #KillerElite Day of course! #Owen-#Statham 2012! @Killer_Elite
22 September 2011
Via @NikkiFinke: "@StevieVanZandt plays a Mafioso who's relocated to Norway as part of the Witness Protection Program"! I'm in! #Lilyhammer
RIP Tiger Pataudi
RIP Tiger #Pataudi. Great Indian Cricketer, Captain and Honorary Bengali (after marrying Sharmila Tagore). Truly larger than life.
21 September 2011
KKR Qualifies for CLT20
Incredible! @KKRiders qualify for @clt20 (even though they lost) thanks to the heroics of @rtendo27! It's all looking up for #Bengal!
REM Reunion Tour
@jaydimes Hopefully they'll play clubs instead of stadiums the way #ThePolice did for their reunion tour!
REM Breaks Up
Sigh...RIP #REM. TBH will be devastated her favourite band broke up. Time to start saving up for the reunion tour. ;-) http://t.co/vYo9ou7b
Hell On Wheels (AMC)
Can't wait for @HellOnWheelsAMC on @AMC_TV! It stars @ansonmount from TBH's fave movie, the great "Tully"! http://t.co/5cAsx5If
20 September 2011
Tony Kornheiser Writes!
Tony #Kornheiser used to be a writer, who knew?! #NolanRyan profile Via @Grantland33's great #DirectorsCut series @PTI http://t.co/JKO8P0hE
Muppets Dragon Tattoo Parody
Another awesome #Muppets parody: "The Pig With The Froggy Tattoo" @MuppetCentral http://t.co/0N40saw7
19 September 2011
Mates of State - "Sway"
Aw dude, TBH found another song that is the most insanely catchy, ever! @matesofstate "Sway" via @rcrdlbl http://t.co/xfoQBUhf
18 September 2011
Drive: Holy crap! The movie kicks so much a**! Un-bloody-believable! Great work by Refn, Gosling, Brooks, Cranston, Perlman & Joan Holloway!
17 September 2011
Surfer Blood at the Getty
Surfer Blood, Getty: Ever-so slightly derivative but terrifically catchy indie-rock/pop. "Swim" really got the museum crowd jumping.
India Loses Rahul Dravid's Final ODI
Sigh, again #India outscored #England & didn't win. Rahul #Dravid came this close to saving it in his last ODI. Long live #TheWall! #EngvInd
16 September 2011
Curtly Ambrose
Wonderful piece by Rob Bagchi about one of my all-time faves Curtly Ambrose in the #Cricket #HOF @guardian_sport http://t.co/f7Pijz9y
Florence + The Machine -"Shake It Out"
So I'm not a die-hard fan or anything but "Shake It Out" by Florence + The Machine is pretty d*mn epic!#FATM @flo_tweet http://t.co/1BpexyU8
Jason Smith Last Show
@howaboutafresca Thanks a lot dude! Now how am I gonna fall asleep for the next 6 years? Maybe I should start listening to @JTTheBrick?
15 September 2011
Oberhofer - "Gotta Go"
TBH just discovered the most insanely catchy song, ever! Awesome! @OBERHOFERMUSIC "Gotta Go" http://t.co/eKy47Ma2"
13 September 2011
Alonzo Bodden at the Comedy & Magic Club
Alonzo Bodden, Comedy & Magic Club: Bloody h*ll! He was absolutely hilarious! One of the best stand-up shows I've seen in a long time!
Paul Reiser at the Comedy & Magic Club
Paul Reiser, Comedy & Magic Club: Pretty funny stuff, a lot better than that last sitcom that bombed. ;-)
Dan Le Batard Is Highly Questionable
Dan Le Batard is Highly Questionable: You know I'm not exactly sure why but I love the show & can't stop watching! @DLHQ #VivaPapi #LeBatard
12 September 2011
Entourage Series Finale
Entourage: Aw what a nice, sweet end to the show! Heck even TBH sniffled a bit. C'mon @HBO give us that Ari-Lloyd spinoff already you tease!
Novak Djokovic Wins US Open
Bloody h*ll! #Djokovic is an unstoppable force! Congrats on winning #USOpen! I've never seen #Rafa so thoroughly beaten down! #USO11 #ATP
11 September 2011
The National at the Hollywood Bowl
The National, Hollywood Bowl: Epic bloody performance! Nice little cameo by St. Vincent as well. One of the best shows I've ever seen!
Neko Case & T Bone Burnett at the Hollywood Bowl
Neko Case & T Bone Burnett, Hollywood Bowl: Nice mellow alt-ish country-ish Indie-ish rock-ish. Great music to picnic to.
Sharon van Etten at the Hollywood Bowl
Sharon van Etten, Hollywood Bowl: It's always nice to listen to pleasantly earnest Indie pop. Plus, she used a harmonium!
Sam Stosur Wins the US Open
Shocking upset! Sam #Stosur beats @serenawilliams to win the #USOpen! Terrible sportsmanship from #Serena, just awful behavior. #USO11 #WTA
Steelers Lose to Ravens
Wow! #Steelers got destroyed! Great, now they're going 0-16 & the #Ravens are winning #SBXLVII! So bloody sad! #NFL #SportsHeartbreak
India Tie England
I was wrong, #India figured out another way to lose: Score more runs, match is called a tie, #England win series. #SportsHeartbreak #EngvInd
9/11 Remembrance Piece
RIP to all those who died on 9/11. Here's a little remembrance I wrote about that day: http://t.co/mwp6RSr #IWill @911day
Postcards From Gander
It is, therefore, perhaps not that difficult to believe then that it has already been 10 years since that day when the world that we knew changed forever. It is also not that difficult to believe that the images, the, sounds, the everything from that day, once so overwhelming and inescapable, have also begun to fade, splintering into fragments scattered around your mind, coming into sharp focus when you least expect it, retreating when you try to grab at them.
What has not faded, however, are the emotions, all of them, from that day.
I fell asleep, like I normally did during my grad student days at USC, on the couch in Los Angeles. My clock radio came on, like it normally did, in the early morning. I was planning to doze in and out while listening to my radio, like I normally did, but something was different. From my half-awake state I could make out the sounds of sirens and chaos and a breathless reporter talking about something. For a split second I thought that this was a cruel update of that legendary Orson Welles “The War of the Worlds” radio broadcast, that’s how bewildering it all seemed at the time. Grudgingly, I managed to get off the couch and switch the TV on.
I was awake now.
It was impossible to comprehend what was being shown to me. It just did not seem possible that what was happening was happening. I just sat there, letting it all wash over me, too overwhelmed to react in any way.
Then it dawned on me that my father was supposed to fly into New York and head straight into work at the UN building that morning.
At this point it was still difficult to know exactly what was going on. We knew that the Towers had been attacked and there were other hijacked planes in the air. We had no idea if it the entire country was under attack. Nothing was certain, nothing made sense.
I tried calling my sister in Bayside, Queens. I couldn't get through. I tried calling my father's cellphone. I couldn't get through. I tried calling my mother's cellphone. I couldn't get through. I called my grandmother in Calcutta. I couldn’t get through. I called my other grandmother in Calcutta. I couldn’t get through. I called my aunt in Liverpool. This time I got through.
My aunt knew that my mother was on a plane flying from Delhi to Calcutta. She did not know much beyond that. She said she would call my grandmother in Calcutta.
I called my ex-girlfriend (who would soon after go back to being my girlfriend, my fiancee, and then my wife) at her place in downtown Los Angeles. I told her what was happening. I was happy she was safe, but those buildings downtown could be a target. Perhaps she would consider joining me?
At this point in time the only thing I knew was that my sister was somewhere in New York, my mother was somewhere between Delhi and Calcutta, and my father was...somewhere.
The doorbell rang. My heart leapt. It was my future wife. I didn't want