According to Nikki Finke (you really should read her excellent blog Deadline Hollywood Daily) Mike Myers is working on the fourth installment in the Austin Powers series.
Apparently, the next one is going to be about the relationship Myers had with his own father and center on Dr. Evil's relationship with his son (Seth Green, prepare to get really busy, not that, you know Robot Chicken is not keeping you busy right now).
I was kinda off Mike Myers after I heard about what a nightmare he was to work with it, but I did feel kinda sad about the way he got dumped on this summer during the whole The Love Guru box-office fiasco. I mean, some people are exacting, and comedians even more so (by all accounts Peter Sellers was no walk in the park either).
But then he acted like a right, royal Brett Favre-like diva on Conan O'Brien's show, and now I don't like him again.
The producers will have to be careful and set limits on Myers here. No one wants a self-indulgent father-son movie here man, after all it's Austin Powers...
...yeah baby!
DH: New Line Panting for Austin Powers 4