Remember when Rupert Murdoch was in the process of buying the The Wall Street Journal and there was all the hand-wringing about whether he would try to keep the paper somewhat objective and away from his right-wing propaganda?
I'm glad he proved them all wrong.
Check out the first half of a headline on today's front page:

Okay, par for the course, and then you read the rest of the headline:

So, let's see Barack Obama is leading John McCain amongst voters, but somehow the WSJ manages to frame it in completely the opposite way.
Check out this somewhat confusing graphic:

Hard to read no? But then the Journal helps us out by pulling out one part into a separate, easy-to-read graphic:

That's it, this was the only other graphic in the article. Americans are more comfortable with Obama. In big, bold letters.
But then, take a closer look at the first, confusing graphic:

Obama leads McCain by 14 percentage points when it comes to improving America's standing in the world. He almost doubles McCain when it comes to being compassionate enough to understand average people (even though we have been told so often that we think he is elitist). And Obama pretty much triples McCain when it comes to offering hope, optimism for future and, wait for it, for being easygoing, likable.
But nope, the one big graphic is about McCain being the ones most Americans find more comfortable.
Thanks Rupe, I was afraid there for a second that you would completely change this hallowed institution into just another small cog in your massive right-wing propaganda machine.
WSJ: Voter Unease with Obama Despite Lead
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