Oh March of the Penguins and An Inconvenient Truth, what hath thou wrought?
Don't look now but the new go-to holiday destination for the cognoscenti is Antarctica, according to MotherJones (The Better Half sent the article to me).
Yes, even Alaska is no longer enough to satiate our friends' look-where-I-went hunger, nope that was so five minutes ago.
Apparently an unintended consequence of Global Warming has been the rush by the very rich to get out there to see the penguins, the polar bears, the seals, the glaciers, the ice caps, etc. before they all disappear.
Of course, the increasing presence of these tourists is only hastening their demise, which makes going there sooner rather than later and even more of a tempting (and more expensive) proposition.
Now you know what to get that oh-so-cool Orange County friend of yours...
MoJo: March of the Tourists
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