17 September 2007

Finally, There's Something Good About Me

That's right, finally, after all these years, I have finally found something that's innately good in me.

Near-perfect eyesight.

After a couple of hours of numerous fancy tests, my eye-doctor (Ophthalmologist? Optometrist?) declared that my eyesight was "sick." It's this close to being 20/10, huge range of focus, incredible peripheral vision, etc. etc.

Good. If I ever have kids, then I hope that's the one thing I can pass along.

On the way out, they handed me a curious little note. At first I was a bit surprised. The nurses were a bit embarrassed.

Then I realized...this was a note to explain to the cops if I got pulled over that the reason my pupils were dilated was because of the eye exam and not because of um, you know, heh, heh, being...you know...just a little...well, c'mon you know...

Of course, I really should have asked for a note explaining this egregious fashion faux pas:

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