15 February 2020

Casablanca (1942).

#Casablanca (1942)

What better way to spend #ValentinesDay than with a 80-year-old black and white movie about Nazi oppression, corruption, betrayal, crime, gambling, exploitation, and where the boy does*not* get the girl (whoops, spoiler alert😇!)…?! 😛😍😘Best Movie, Ever!



#Casablanca (1942)

#FBF (is that a thing?!) so how about a #Flashback Movie? 😁

What better way to spend #ValentinesDay than with a 80-year-old black and white movie about Nazi oppression, corruption, double-dealings, crime, gambling, exploitation, and where the boy does*not* get the girl (whoops, spoiler alert😇!)…?! 😛😍😘

Look, what I can say about this movie that hasn't been said by a kajillion people a kajillion times better a kajillion times before? Maybe it's one of *those* movies that you can't bear to reveal what in your heart of hearts you know is horrifically true: you…haven't…seen…it😱! (And no, I'm not getting to tell you when I finally got around to watching it). And if you have, well, listen to your *old* basu! Chacha here, pick this day, of all days, to re-watch it again…add in some flowers…and red wine…and man, the SO is gonna be talking about this for a long time to come (…uh maybe, VD is a perfect excuse as any to to watch a movie😂…just don't tell your So that😬!)

Tl,dr: Best Movie, Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. Is it okay to say that Louis was my favourite character?!?!?!??!?!?!

PPS. Okay fiiiiine, don't take any VD advice from me, after all this is the same guy who found out it was the big day while walking around with TBH and noticing *all* the men buying flowers at the tube around 6pm, and finally asking one harried businessman in a very posh Savile Row suit what was going on, and then the look he gave me after realising I was standing right next to my SO… 🤦‍♀️ Then, of course, the London Eye was totally sold out, so there went my Plan(-all along but really it was a last-minute)B🙄

#HumphreyBogart #IngridBergman #ClaudeRains #PeterLorre #PaulHenreid #ConradVeidt #SydneyGreenstreet #SZSakall #DooleyWilson #LeonidKinskey #MadeleineLebeau … The Greatest Cast, Ever!!!!!!!!!

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