A couple of people I know where actually there at Grant Park in Chicago when Barack Obama gave his victory speech.
Here is an account from my colleague Elizabeth:
At the rally? Oh yes I was! It was freaking..magical.
1 M people descended upon the park, but everyone was incredibly peaceful and patient - nobody got rowdy. It was like a total love fest.
When it got called, people went nuts. When he came out to speak, everyone bawled. It kicked a**.
It felt like the world became a better place instantly.
Here is an account from The Better Half's friend Isabel:
I KNOW IT!!! It was the biggest "WOW" to hit Chicago in its history!! It's finally sinking in today how lucky I was to be a part of such a magical night! I was talking to a friend on the phone on the way into work and started crying because it's a dream come true! And I don't cry very easily.
I must admit that I was pretty nervous going in with this huge crowd because I'm small and I was with a friend who is even tinier than me. Plus she has a bad back from a car accident. We had three big guys in our group but still was nervous.
Well, what a HAPPY, peaceable, amicable and beautiful crowd of people! I too just looked around and felt like they were all my kindred spirits and my friends! Everyone was just grinning from ear to ear and SOBER! So we were all on this natural high!!
And of course, I LOVED his speech. He is the first candidate, excuse me, President in my lifetime that I can truly say that I LOVE. I've liked others before but I LOVE Obama. How wonderful for him to say this was our victory, for all those who went door-to-door or got on the phone.
We were toward the back of the crowd because we went later. Even though all we could see was the Jumbotron, I'm glad we weren't up front. One of my coworkers was and he said that it was a bit miserable. 5 hours with no food or drink in standing room only.
Afterwards, we came back and had champagne and just reveled in it.
I wished everyone could've experienced this night. It was a dream come true for me because ever since I was a kid, racism has always galled me. It feels good to feel good about being an American again!!!
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