Al Gore and the Gore-ettes [i.e. The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] have won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
What does global warming have to do with peace? I suppose warmer temperatures only serve to amplify the blood lust that is inherent in all human beings.
In any case this the latest in a series of fortunate events for Al. Think back to 2000. He was probably at the lowest point of his life. People were making fun of him. He had apparently put on a lot of weight. I mean, he didn't even carry his home State. His father's involvement with Occidental Petroleum was causing some controversy.
Slowly, but surely, he has dusted himself off and, in the immortal words of Aaliyah, tried again.
["And if at first you don’t succeed \ Then dust yourself off and try again \ You can dust it off and try again, try again \ Cause if at first you don’t succeed \ You can dust it off and try again \ Dust yourself off and try again, try again (and again)"]
Good for Al!
I wonder if he likes this more than the Oscar he won this year?

New York Times Story
New York Times Analysis
International Herald Tribune Opinion
The Economist Analysis
Washington Post Story
MSNBC Analysis
The Times of London Opinion
Newsweek Story
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