04 May 2008

If an Icredible 80s-Style Pop Song Was a John Hughes Movie...


This is the video for "Graveyard Girl" by M83.

As if the song being stuck in my head on an endless loop wasn't enough, I caught the video on YouTube...

And it's a like a great John Hughes movie!

You know how you hear a song and you make an imaginary movie in your head...My God this is that movie!

Sigh...just, sigh...

Yup, sometimes I too wish I could jump and run, and no, they won't miss me...

Sing with me: "Graveyard Girl...Graveyard Girl...Graveyard Girl..."


Big Daddy Bon said...
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Big Daddy Bon said...

Beginning was strong but it went too long. I think its time for another John Hughes type movie. BASU!...your time as come!