That was Hillary Clinton?
My God!
She gave a rousing, humorous, barn-storming, sincere-sounding speech at the Democratic National Convention tonight, and boy did I start to believe she may be human after all.
She used the word "healthcare" so many times that it's becoming clear that healthcare will become to her what the environment became for Al Gore (a cause célèbre, is that what it's called?).
And she was emphatic, emphatic in her support for Barack Obama (did you hear that you idiot "undecided" delegates, yes you, the morons who showed up before on PBS to tell Judy Woodruff that you still weren't sure if you were going to vote for the Democratic Presidential Nominee?). I hope this helps the poor chap get a bump in those polls that are too uncomfortably tight right now.
Is she for real? (It sure didn't seem like it when I caught that clip of her in Florida gently encouraging her supporters to get behind Barack.) I've worked with enough disingenuous people to know that you can never, ever take them at face value, no matter how sweet and full of sugar they may seem to your face. Time will tell if she truly is for real or not.
What we don't have to wait to see is that she redeemed herself in a very public way, and burnished her image in a way that Bill Clinton was never able to do after his awful campaigning. She has set herself up very, very nicely for another run in the future (of course, that was never her motivation to begin with, was it?).
Maybe that Second Act is there for her after all.
NYT: Hillary Clinton Rallies Supporters Behind Rival
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